Security done right

I am Branko Džakula, Information Security Advisor, Entrepreneur and Educator.
I offer Information Security Advisory services. Stop running in circles, ask a professional. Available worldwide remotely.

Branko Džakula

vCISO on demand

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer or vCISO is an individual performing Information Security Advisory and CISO responsibilities at your organization as a third party service provider, meaning you have greater flexibility in managing this services costs, goals, deliverables and timelines. This is a perfect fit for SMBs and startups/scaleups.

What is vCISO and do I need one?

Virtual Chief Information Security Officer or vCISO is an individual performing Information Security Advisory and CISO responsibilities at your organization as a third party service provider, meaning you have greater flexibility in managing this services costs, goals, deliverables and timelines. This is a perfect fit for SMBs and startups/scaleups.

How can you benefit from a vCISO?

  • Lower financial barrier to gain access to experienced, fully-qualified advisor and additional security services, compared to hiring a full time CISO

  • Objective feedback on current risks and security maturity

  • Insight to the wider security landscape given experience in multiple industries and organizations

  • Increased information security resilience and decreased likelihood of a successful attack

Let me ask you, are any of these statements true in your case?

  • The regulatory and compliance environment is confusing, and I do not know where to start with implementing security

  • I can't affort/don't need a full-time CISO

  • Our security person recently left

  • I want to get ready for ISO 27001 certification

  • Potential customers are demanding security certifications or security questionnaires

  • I recently had a security breach or want to avoid one in the future

  • Building a security team internally seems impossible, too costly, or I do not know what you need

  • I expect scrutiny during funding rounds or M&A activity

If your answer is yes to any of the above, you need me. Saving money AND getting things done with high quality? This is the deal I offer.
I can be your virtual CISO and get these topics off your chest.
You should keep scrolling down though, lots of usefull info.

Branko Džakula

Executive, Entrepreneur & Educator

As a security professional and executive I worked from early startup environments to big international corporations covering the telco, airline, hospitality, healthcare, security, service delivery, advisory and fintech industries.
As an educator I have a passion to share knowledge and mentor people on cybersecurity career development, cybersecurity practice, leadership and company culture through UN1QUELY Academy, I have spoken on many international conferences, held lectures on Universities and NGO programs and volunteer actively as a cybersecurity career coach.
As an entrepreneur I have co-founded the following companies and NGOs:

Intell Informed

Advisor at:

Digital Den

Some of the companies I worked with

Branko Džakula

What you get

You will get your company to a security mature state, ready to get ISO 27001 certified and recognised internationally as an organization that does security right. This will open doors to higher customer trust and retention, closing bigger and better deals with large clients, saving time on due dilligence questionaires and assessments, greatly reduced risk of a data breach occuring, educated and security aware employees, overall increased company value.
I deliver what is promised and when it is promised.

My approach is not unique or magical, but it's effective
and proven. I do three things and in this order:


Information Security Maturity & Risk Assessment

Understand what you do, how you do it, how secure you are today and where you want to be - I do the assessment against ISO 27001 ISMS standard framework by default, or tailor it to a specific framework per your business need.


Information Security Program Development

I create a plan based on the first step and prioritize what needs to be done,
when and how.


Information security program implementation

I do the work and get you where you need to be. As an optional add-on, depending on the size and complexity of your organization, as well as your business goals, I can assemble a team of experts from different security domains to push your security program development to where it needs to be.This egagement can last from 3 months (early startups - small team and technology stack) up to a year (established medium size business).
I don't work with enterprises, they can afford a full-time CISO. I help the little guy

Branko Džakula

Get in touch

I made my move, now is your turn.